It’s normal to need to be confident in the way we look in order feel great. Since breasts symbolize our femininity and sexuality, we’re constantly looking for new ways to enhance our busts and make our boobs look bigger.
If you’re not naturally blessed with perfect pair, and if the idea of going under the knife petrifies you (and petrifies your wallet) then it’s time you tried some alternative methods to enlarge your breasts. Women of all ages around the world have tried and tested these following natural remedies for fuller breasts. We aren’t going to lead you down the rabbit-hole of DIY big breasts. These tips are for real. Some of these are secrets kept quiet for centuries and others are tricks you might have already known about.
Here are 16 ways you can naturally enhance your assets without getting expensive surgery or putting water-balloons in your bra:
1. Do push-ups to build your chest muscles. Push-ups help strengthen your pectoral muscles and will not only make your boobs look bigger but also perkier. Just 20 push-ups a day will help thicken the pectoral muscles, and in a matter of weeks you could go up a cup-size. Using dumbbells also has the same effect. So invest in a decent pair of weights for home use and get going on those at-home chest presses.
2. Use makeup to contour your cleavage. That’s right ladies, contouring is not just for the face. The good news is you can sculpt your breasts just by using what you already have in your own makeup kit. It’s all about tricking people into seeing what they want to see. Using a dark bronzer, dark contour stick or contouring powder to create a shadow around the cleavage by drawing a curved ‘Y’ shape on the middle of your chest. Then, apply highlighter (two shades lighter than your natural skin tone) all over the rest of the skin on your chest. Don’t forget to blend and there you have it – an upgraded rack!

Breast Controuing Trick Via YouTube
3. Drink plenty of milk. You can’t argue with proven research, so if science recommends that if we drink more milk it will make our boobs grow naturally – then we will do it. There is plenty of potassium and vitamin B in milk, which are the necessary nutrients needed for building tissue and producing red blood cells. A mixture of papaya juice and milk is the winning formula, especially if made into a smoothie because then it’s delicious.
4. Improve your posture. Stand in front of a mirror sideways, you should be able to draw an imaginary straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee, to the middle of your ankle. The better the posture, the perkier and fuller your breasts look. Here are some tips on how to improve your posture, I promise it will make your boobs look perkier and larger – not to mention, you’ll look younger.
5. Apply Fenugeek. Fenugeek is used in many recipes as a culinary spice, but here’s the trick – you have to rub it onto your breasts for it to work. Mostly used for bodybuilding, the seeds contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and diosgenin (which similar to oestrogen). Home Remedies Web suggests that you consume up to 3g of Fenugreek seeds per day for visible results.
6. Consume marshmallow root. Surprisingly, marshmallow has a whole list of good benefits for your body. It can sooth burns or irritations, clear up skin problems and even combat disease. Great Home Remedies recommends the following recipe for rapid breast growth:
Take 3 table spoons of dry marshmallow root, add 3 cups (1cup = 8 oz or 240 ml) of cold water, put it on heat and boil it for 15 minutes. Filter the extract. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. At the same time apply compresses to your breasts using the same extract (just wet a towel in the extract and apply it as a compress for 20-30 minutes at night)
7. Eat a protein-rich diet. Listen up, ladies – protein is your new best friend. The quickest and easiest way to naturally boost breast enhancement is to pack your body full of the stuff. Protein helps to restore the tissue around the mammary glands and releases natural growth hormones into your system.
Your hormones begin to slow down throughout your twenties and then really decline in your thirties. Plenty of exercise, seven hours of uninterrupted sleep each night and a healthy protein-heavy diet will soon see your shape snap into good form. High protein foods include tuna, salmon, pork loin, eggs and pumpkin seeds.
8. Try to lose some inches off your waist. A smaller waist can create the illusion of larger breasts. Working your core muscles can tone up your waist and you’ll notice your top half seem larger in comparison. Yoga and pilates are the two most effective exercises as these workouts will help you burn calories and improve your core. Over time work your way up to fifty abdominal crunches a day. This will take you less than one minute a day and will leave you feeling and looking great.
9. Try Greenbush Herbs. Herbal website specialize in breast enhancing herbs. Their “New Enhancement Kit” has a “mastogenic” effect which is a tried and tested formula which has been used for centuries. They proudly claim that their products can have your breasts feeling fuller and firmer in just ten days.
These herbs are recommended as a safe alternative to expensive and complicated procedures. Not only will they help boost your breasts, but also the phyto-nutrients found in the herbs have been featured in research which helps prevent the cause of breast cancer. They proudly claim that their products can have your breasts feeling fuller and firmer in just ten days.
10. Cut back on caffeinated beverages. In 2008, we got some very bad news from British newspaper The Daily Mail. After researchers questioned over 300 women on their daily caffeine in-take, they reported that “three cups was enough to make the breasts shrink”. They also confirmed that there is “a clear link between drinking coffee and smaller breasts.”
The study took place at Lund University in Sweden. But don’t throw away your Starbucks just yet because they also discovered that caffeine was linked to a deduction in risk of breast cancer too. Just maybe don’t drink 3 cups a day!
11. Take amino acid supplements. Remember earlier when we recommended packing plenty of protein into your diet to help your breasts grow – well here is a way to cheat. Amino acid supplements are packed full of growth hormones and are available from many local health food supply stores.
These little wonders are essentially the building blocks of muscle tissue. Studies have shown that taking the supplements regularly can enhance growth by up to 300%.
12. Give yourself a boob massage. There is an old urban myth where if you massage your breasts for 30 minutes each day then they will go up one cup size – and it works! The benefit of the massage is that is helps with blood flow and circulation. This old ritual dates back centuries. So next time you’re sat at home watching a Netflix marathon don’t forget to put idle hands to good use and get working.
13. Try a breast-enhancement cream. Just Google “Breast Enhancement Creams” and the options are endless. There are so many out there, all claiming that they can do amazing and wonderful things for your body. But which one is best for you?
Breast Enhancement Resource is a handy online guide of the top 2015 three creams to invest in. They rate each product based on 1) Price 2) Success Rate 3) Guarantee 4) Product Safety.
14. Birth Control Pills. We all have moments in our monthly cycle where are breasts appear fuller than usual. This is due to our ever-fluctuating hormone levels, and birth control pills contain enough hormones to make our breasts look fuller throughout the whole month.
15. Eat radishes. Radishes have been proven to improve the blood flow to the local tissues around the breast area. Hallelujah! Thanks to the astringent properties in this superfood, you will find yourself naturally transforming for the better. There are plenty of mouth-watering, savoury radish recipes online. It can be teamed up perfectly with pizzas, salads or wraps – the possibilities are endless. Breast-enlarging foods such as these are definitely going to make it onto your next grocery list, right?
16. It’s all in the right bra. There are many angles to this tip because women have found many ways to increase their chest sizes by buying padded bras. You can either buy a padded bra to your bra to give that full looking chest or you can get the stick on strapless bras (picture below). Stick on bras can be closed at the front, allowing for a cleavage affect, and trust us this really does work. Make sure to stick the bra on in a way that gives you plenty of cleavage.
You’ll be curvy in all the right places if you invest in the right bra. Many women wear a bra which isn’t right for their shape because they haven’t been fitted properly. Many department stores offer a fitting service for free, so be sure to take advantage of it, because the right bra can be the secret to fuller, sexier breasts.

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