Erica Majored in Psychology at UBC and has since followed her passion for writing and journalism, with a focus on travel writing and dating advice. After working at one of the world's largest dating sites for a few years, she began contributing dating advice to publications such as POPSUGAR, Elite Daily, Huffington Post, YourTango and AskMen. Erica is also the author of two dating advice books. It wasn't long before she decided to start her own online dating advice column, The Babe Report. The rest is history. Follow her on Instagram @ericaleighgordon or on Facebook at
Modern dating hasn’t killed off the gentleman, but he is considered to be a rare find these days - an endangered species. The all-you-can-eat buffet of women in the form of modern dating apps have unfortunately revealed that men don’t actually need to be a gentleman to get the ladies anymore.
Since Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May, we’re often blessed with beautiful, sunny, spring weather on Mother’s Day. If you’re organizing a sunny Sunday brunch for your mom this weekend, there are c...
Nothing brings a couple closer together than a shared experience in a romantic destination. Planning a romantic getaway for just the two of you is one of the most thoughtful gestures you can surprise your partn...
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