Get ready guys and gals, because I’ve organized a pretty awesome giveaway. Before I get to the details of this amazing giveaway, let me explain why I’m doing this. As you may or may not know, February was the month my dating advice tell-all book was published, which was fitting since February is also #SinglesAwarenessMonth and #LoveMonth – meant for celebrating love or the hope for love. Many of you single ladies and single men have just finished celebrating the holidays alone. You celebrated Christmas (or Hanukkah), New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day single. And now that all those holidays are finally behind you, you’re left with this lingering awareness of just how single you really are.
Obviously, it’s not a bad thing to be single. It can be a great thing, especially if you’ve used that time to better yourself and achieve your goals. But maybe, just maybe, you’ve been there and done that. You’ve gotten all of the hookups out of your system and you’re ready for something more meaningful. You’ve achieved self-love and success on your own, and now you want a partner. You’ve been single for what seems like ages, and you’re finally ready to give dating a real shot – but you want it to work this time.
A huge percentage of my readers are in this exact position, and that’s why I wrote the book Aren’t You Glad You Read This? It’s now officially released and for sale for only $4.99 on Amazon, Thought Catalog and iBooks. I wrote it to give you the dating and relationship advice you need at the right time, which is before you start dating. The chronically single will be changed when they read this.
Relationship advice is at its most beneficial before you enter into a new relationship. Here’s a bit more information about my book, and why it’s worth your five bucks:
This book is for all the single men and women who have experienced a series of failed relationships, have not had great luck when it comes to dating and need some eye-opening, brutally honest advice before they’ll be truly ready to get back out there. Perhaps you’ve been single for quite some time, you’ve been avoiding the dating world because you were exhausted by it in the past, and you’re finally considering trying again.
Maybe you were sabotaging your previous relationships in order to keep them casual, but now you’re ready for something real.
Then there’s those who aren’t sure why they’ve had such bad luck in love, haven’t necessarily been single by choice, and want their next shot at it to work. Whether you were single by choice or single by misfortune, the fact remains that you’re now ready for something meaningful.
It’s normal to be confused about why all of your relationships go nowhere, or to wonder what you’ve been doing wrong.
Aren’t You Glad You Read This is an attitude-transforming, perspective-altering, smart and honest how-to guide for singles who have a history of relationship failures and want their next relationship to succeed. It’s about time you figured out where you’ve been going wrong, got out of your funk, and found the confidence and the happiness you’re worthy of.
You deserve to find something real, and it’s completely normal if you’ve been dating for 5, 10, even 20 years and haven’t found it yet. If you’re 30 and single this book is for you. If you’re 50 and single, this book is for you. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had bad luck for, because all that means is that something great is coming.
In this book, you’ll get valuable guidance on relationships at the right time, which is – you guessed it – before you start one. Relationship advice is the most beneficial before you enter a new relationship, because this way you’re reading it before it’s too late. You’re currently a clean slate, ready to be prepped for what could be the best love story of your life.
So what’s this amazing giveaway?
My giveaway is meant to encourage you to start dating again. Now that you’ve read my book (or you’re about to) you’re ready to get back out there. You’re ready to start going on dates, and this time, it’s going to lead somewhere.
I wanted to plan a fun and memorable giveaway to celebrate my book release, celebrate Love Month and to celebrate Singles Awareness Month! So:
I’m giving away date night outfits valued at over $500 each, and I’m giving away dream dates !
These date-ready outfits will help you feel confident and sexy on your date. When you look good, you feel good, and I’ve always maintained that you should dress to impress on a date. These date night outfits will include accessories, shoes, makeup, etc and they’ll be customized using your favourite looks and brands. There will be a female winner and a male winner! If the winner secures extra entries by following the exact instructions found at the end of this article, they’ll get a bonus gift which is a date night on me in addition to the date night ensemble!
For the ladies:

Ladies, this is what you could win!
For the men:

Gentlemen, this is what you could win!
How To Win:
To be eligible to win the date night outfit and the dream date night, all you have to do is buy my book Aren’t You Glad You Read This? On Amazon and leave a review on Amazon. It’ll be well worth the $4.99 you spend, as it will help you figure out why your relationships have failed in the past, and how to find something meaningful. If you’re not single, you probably have a single friend who could use a copy of a book like this! I’ve also organized some fun ways for you to get extra entries (and therefore have better chances to win!) Find the full instructions below:
Full instructions on how to win this giveaway:
- To be eligible to win this giveaway, simply buy the book Aren’t You Glad You Read This? on Amazon, iBooks or Thought Catalog PDF, and e-mail with a proof-of-purchase screen shot once you’ve done this. Click here to buy it for only $4.99!
- To be eligible, you must also ‘Like’ The Babe Report on Facebook
- For extra entries (and better chances to win!) plus a chance to win a dream date on me, this is what you can do:
- Follow The Babe Report on Instagram @the_babe_report = 3 extra entries
- Follow author Erica Gordon on Instagram @ericaleighgordon = 3 extra entries
- Follow The Babe Report on Twitter @thebabereport = 5 extra entries
- Leave an Amazon review = 15 extra entries
- Comment with your favourite quote from the book or your favourite chapter from the book = 7 extra entries
- Share any Babe Report article from The Babe Report’s Facebook page = 8 extra entries
- Share this post on your Facebook page = 10 extra entries
- Promote Aren’t You Glad You Read This? on your Instagram or Facebook page = 10 extra entries
If you complete all of the above, you’re eligible to win the grand prize of a date-night outfit valued at over $500 and the bonus gift which is a dream date night organized by and paid for by me! If you complete everything except for buying the book, you’re still eligible to win the bonus gift – just not the $500 date night outfit. Once you complete these steps, e-mail or comment “done” below. If there are any steps you can’t take (for example, you don’t have a Twitter account) you’ll still be eligible to win both prizes.
Winner will be chosen on July 11, 2017.
About the author of Aren’t You Glad You Read This:
After earning my Psychology degree from the University of British Columbia, I went on to work in the dating industry. Today, I’ve been working in the dating industry for over 6 years. I’ve worked at some of the world’s largest dating sites, scored the inside scoop into the minds of both sexes, I became a dating coach and I’ve been quoted as a dating expert in magazines such as Vanity Fair, Elite Daily, AskMen and Huffington Post.
I’ve been writing free dating advice for years with one goal: to help people. This book took a year of my life to write, but I wanted to price it low so that it was affordable. I truly hope you enjoy it, I hope it’s life-changing and I know that you’re going to feel ready for your love story after you read it. Please enter my giveaway, tell your friends and spread the word about the book Aren’t You Glad You Read This? so that dating can start being done right!

Fun fact: The book cover’s crossed out names symbolize failed relationships and the mistakes you won’t repeat.
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